Voice Transmissions With The Deceased
by Friedrich Juergenson
202 CHAPTER 40
Altogether: ten relatives, fifty personal friends, thirty prominent personalities and about fifty others – My first international press conference – A summary of my perceptions, plans and goals
During that fall and winter of 1962/63 the number of my invisible friends increased considerably. Ten relatives revealed themselves. Fifty personal friends and acquaintances and about thirty prominent personalities who until recently had played a leading role in art, science, religion and politics. The others – about fifty voices – appeared under code names or entirely anonymously.
In the spring of 1963 the number of transmissions increased enormously. Never before did I receive that many recordings, and since the transmissions followed each other closely, I succeeded only in making short notes for myself. At the same time the quality of the transmissions in respect to their sound volume improved to the point that even an untrained ear could hear the texts without any problems. One evening I recorded the voices of several prominent dead people who until recently had claimed the attention of the entire world.
This made me realize once again how completely we had become stuck in the blind alley of our own erroneous ideas. The dead did not hold long speeches, moreover they did not accuse anyone. The little they said however, or more correctly put, how they presented which was said, was so humble and human that one became filled with an intense desire to blow up the temple of our fraudulent double standard as quickly as possible.
203 On March 30, I had turned on the radio after 10 p.m., which was not my usual habit. I was tired and sleepy and when Lena suddenly came through, I let the tape run for a few minutes and then went to bed without having listened to the recording.
When I picked up the mail the next morning and glanced at the newspaper on the way home, I was shocked by the news that Dr. Bjoerkhem had died the previous day, that is to say March 30, 1962.
I immediately turned on the tape of yesterday. At first I did not understand anything because the communication took place at such a rapid pace that I had to switch to the slower speed of 3 ¾ i.p.s. The first thing I heard was: “Dr. Bjoerkhem has died…”
The private character of the communication that followed would make its publication inappropriate.
Dr. Bjoerkhem’s great engagement in the field of parapsychology has not been fully realized and respected up to the present day. It is my firm conviction however that the time will come when his significant research activity will gain the recognition it deserves.
At the beginning of June 1963, I decided to have my first publication appear in the press. Engineer Kiel Stenson, the leading sound engineer of the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation had already given positive press comments after visiting with me. While he did not try to explain the phenomenon per se, he completely excluded any kind of forgery or deception. Most of all he was ready to join me in making recordings using his own equipment in Nysund, which completely met my own expectations.
On June 14th, I organized my first international press conference, which took place in Moelnbo/Nysund where we were located and 204 which lasted more than seven hours. While it was marked by occasional heated debates, the results were predominantly positive. I summarized my perceptions, plans and goals to the press as follows:
Today one can hardly predict how everything is going to proceed. But I think I may assume that the bridge builders on the other side are planning that parallel tape recordings will take place real soon throughout the world. (Incidentally, this has already started.) But I want to emphasize especially at this point that no researcher will obtain positive results without an alert, open, but also very critical attitude. To eliminate any possible deception, including self deception from the start, it would be desirable to form small research groups everywhere to make recordings jointly with the cooperation and/or in the presence of acoustical experts, radio engineers, electronic experts, parapsychologists and other reliable witnesses.
As concerns myself personally, I have made the firm decision not to allow the creation of any kind of mystical movement, sect or esoteric school around this bridge to the dead. All organizations created by mankind carry the dangerous seed of dogmatism and ossification. I will also never play the role of a “psychic prophet” or leader, because I detest every form of tutelage, and because everyone needs to ingest and digest his or her own psychic sustenance.
For this purpose I have already placed my little hut in the forest at the disposal of interested researchers. The structure will need to be improved appropriately under the management of some technical experts.
With the creation of such research centers under scientific management and supervision we will take the first step towards a fruitful collaboration between the broadcasts over here and in the hereafter.
205 Those who are seriously interested in taking part in the bridge building here and there will also need to devote much time, patience and effort because positive results cannot be expected without personal engagement.
First of all – and this is the essential point – it all depends exclusively on the motives on which we base our desire to initiate contacts with those who have died.
If we wish to ultimately banish the suffocating fear connected with death, we have to became conscious of our ancient inner distortions in which our thinking and feeling has become ensnared in a vicious circle of time, space and causality. We all need to go through a kind of twilight of the gods and demons to rediscover the path to the human heart after the shattering of our illusions.
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