Voice Transmissions With The Deceased
by Friedrich Juergenson
Finally the radio puzzle is resolved – Once again “Churchill” – Three languages within one sentence
I don’t remember any more why I got the idea of hooking up the tape recorder with the radio receiver. However, I did that one evening and noticed right away that with the use of the headphones I could clearly hear the radio broadcasts.
At first I was overwhelmed by the chaos of sounds and noises. Within this colorful mix I perceived music, theater performances, singing, lectures, Morse codes and the droning of a Russian jamming signal.
Here and there I thought that I heard Lena’s whispering, even though I couldn’t explain how her voice could possibly get among the radio broadcasts. It was very hard for me to make out the words during her hurried whispering. In the end, I turned the tape recorder on “record” for a test and let the tape run for a few minutes hooked up to the radio. When listening to the tape I was astonished as Lena’s voice suddenly came through clearly in the mix of noises.
I heard her whisper hastily and excited, “Hold it, hold it…direct contact with Churchill!”
Again the name “Churchill” was mentioned, the name that I had recorded on many earlier occasions, without being able to understand it’s meaning more closely.
I again turned on to “record” directly from the radio equipment - not via the microphone, but through the connecting plugs - and was searching the radio frequency scale at the same time. I had just switched on the medium wave band when a pleasant female voice started to sing.
73 Since I was convinced that was hearing an ordinary radio broadcast I turned the tuning knob a little back and forth, and of course was only able to get bits and pieces of words and sentences. “Friedel, Friedel” sang a voice with clear emphasis on the last syllable. Then a strange mix of German and Swedish followed, the woman’s voice sang simultaneously in two languages:
“Speak…lately Swedish often disturbs…” she sang along merrily. Here is when I started to move the settings to another frequency. There the same woman’s voice was audible and said, drowning out all other voices and noises: “Please don’t interrupt, Federico…”
Even though the woman spoke the sentence in German, one could still recognize the Slavic accent. She could have been Russian or Polish. I understood right away, that my way of searching and turning knobs was causing a disturbance. Never had any voice spoken so clearly with me, and I had recorded her on tape, and was able to take my time in examining the result. On that day I realized for the first time the importance of the radio as a bridge (to the other world). Though this realization was new for me, and I had no idea as yet what technical means were involved, I still knew that we had now finally found the right way.
As with everything new, this whole thing seemed at first pretty confusing, because I found myself confronted by a flood of sounds and noises and didn’t know what to do. Undecided, I hesitated a few days until one evening I hooked up the tape recorder to my radio once again, and turned the tape on to “record”. Immediately after turning on the recorder the melodic woman’s voice became audible, though quietly she spoke in an unusually suggestive tone. It was the one of a kind intonation of her voice that captured me immediately, even before I understood her words. 74 Again, the voice spoke in three languages, namely German, Italian and Swedish. It took me a little while until I understood the words.
“Bambina, arriva! arriva!” (the baby has arrived!) she began in Italian emotionally, her voice seemed to suggest immeasurable relief.
“Through the radio…you have guessed it…much more will come through…”
This curious mixture of speech that I have translated and a little shortened, sounded totally natural, even self-evident. The more I listened to the voice the more I liked it. It wasn’t only the childlike ingenuousness of the mixed up speech, not only the charm of a pleasant and happy woman’s voice, beyond that it seemed to me as if a vibration that deeply moved me was transferred by the voice to my inner being. These vibes gave me the sudden certainty that the newly discovered bridge held still had unimaginable possibilities. Thus I had now, after many errors and confusion, reached a new border region whence a bridge connected with an unknown world like a shimmering rainbow, a plane of existence that had been closed until now for most of us.
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