The key to personal peace, world peace, and eternal peace
© 2003 by Mark Macy
Our future happiness depends on decency. That's true in every sense—not just in worldly affairs (people getting along with other people, nations getting along with other nations), but also in other-worldly concerns (What types of spiritual influences do we attract? What will happen to us after we die?)
After we die, what then?
Our research indicates clearly that when we die and leave the Earth, most of us spend some time in a subtle place called the astral realm that's a lot like the Earth—a sort of buffer zone between our rough-and-tumble physical realm that's driven largely by egos and hormones, and a beautiful place of pure love and wisdom (the ethereal realm) shaped by the soul. The astral realm is like a hybrid state of existence between nature (rugged life forms on Earth with short life spans behaving and evolving erratically because of genetics, inner chemistry, and reactions to a hostile environment) and our true timeless nature (wise, unconditionally loving beings of pure consciousness free of form and structure inhabiting inner realms where centuries can pass by in a heartbeat).
So, there is the physical you with a small spark of intelligence experiencing this fleeting life on Earth, there's the ethereal you (your "higher self"), a brilliant flame of ageless wisdom which is virtually perfect and lives forever, and there's the astral you that comes out to play after you shed the physical body. The astral you still has many of the rugged patterns of thought and behavior that became instilled in you during a lifetime on Earth, and it is these patterns that prevent you from making a quick, smooth transition from physical being straight to ethereal being. You'll have to hang around in the astral realms for awhile after you die, processing the imperfections of your humanness, before you can move into that perfect state of ethereal bliss.
Here on Earth, all sorts of people (ranging from saints to psychopaths) with all sorts of motivations (ranging from empathy and love to selfishness and malice) are thrown into the same pot in a hodge-podge of conflicts and frustration. The astral realm isn't mixed up like that. It is divided into countless worlds in which people of like attitudes live together. At one extreme there are rainbow realms of paradise where people enjoy lives of bliss and service to others, and at the other extreme there are dark, dismal worlds inhabited by people locked up in their own grief or hatred or fear or addiction.
Many variables can determine where you or I will awaken after physical death, but most of them can be summed up in a single word: decency. At the risk of oversimplifying, if we treat ourself and other people decently as a rule, we'll wind up in paradise. If our typical day-to-day behavior lacks decency and we cause pain and suffering to ourself and to others, we will probably wind up in an unpleasant spirit realm for awhile…until we can come to terms with our bad choices.
While we're still alive
Behaving decently brings us happiness not just in the next world, but also during our life on Earth. When our choices, by habit, make other people happy, the happiness comes back to us many times over. By the same token, when our actions reflect a lack of decency day in and day out--a callousness toward the pain and suffering of others--our life spirals downward. We may rise in worldly measures such as wealth and power, but the vibration of our spirit becomes slower and coarser, so that inner peace and happiness leech out of our being.
That simple truth boils over into our social groups too. When nations behave decently with each other, accounting for each other's needs, laws and customs, peace and contentment typically prevail, regardless of political and economic conditions, and there is a certain spiritual light which glows around the nation like an aura. But if a nation is preoccupied with its own material and territorial interests while ignoring the needs of its international neighbors, the results include suspicion and tensions which grow over time and can flare up into international conflict. The spirit or oversoul of a selfish nation grows dim.
Seven steps to world peace
Achieving world peace could be a fairly simple matter…theoretically. All it would take is a commitment to decency. To get an idea of just how easy it would be (again, theoretically), let's look at the Middle East--probably the toughest nut in the basket. What would it take to bring a genuine, lasting peace to the Middle East?
Achieve religious compatibility.
Overcome oil addiction.
Respect the right of individuals to be free and educated.
Respect the right of societies to be stable and vital.
Strike a balance
Halt terrorism.
Adopt a global government.
God bless, and may our ethereal guides help us walk the path of decency across this troubled land,
Mark Macy
(Please feel free to distribute this article in its entirety, not in pieces, and not for commercial or political purposes. A copy of this article can be found at* I have received mixed reactions to some of these ideas. Some people feel the ideas (especially #4 and #7) have more to do with politics than with decency. I believe that decency has to spread through all levels and all segments of society, including governments, businesses, and families. Decency has to occur within the individual, but that is often an easier process when the social system around that person is committed to decency also.
I believe that here in the States, people and businesses and other groups would still be cheating and killing each other for power and wealth, as in the "Wild West," if there were not a government to maintain law and order and to protect the people. Feuding factions in other countries likewise find peace only when a legitimate government is in place that brings those factions under an umbrella of law--a sort of enforced harmony or resonance. With legitimate governments come certain symbols (e.g. flags and currency), creeds, and laws that help a group of people feel united, reduce suspicion, and promote a "family" feeling. I perceive that as decency through appropriate government regulation. There can also be decency through business ethics, decency through right education, and so on.
When I say, "Vote YES in your heart for a representative world government," I only suggest that people embrace the idea of a legitimate and appropriate world government. I don't suggest that people actually "cast a ballot," because there is no place to vote on world government at the present time… except in people's minds and hearts. I believe that nations will continue to attack each other and kill large groups of people in wars until a world government is formed to maintain a greater degree of law and order, and to protect nations and people. Like any legitimate government, it will help people and their nations (who typically don't resonate together very well) to resonate together more effectively with global creeds, laws, and so on. Then a greater peace will prevail. To me, that seems like promoting decency in a profound way.
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